Genesis Live Marquee Club London 27th September 1982

Genesis Live Marquee Club London 27th September 1982

Listen To The Audio Of This Amazing Event Below!!!

This recording captures the night of the 27th of September 1982 when Genesis set up their huge stage show is a small iconic club in London, in front of a few hundred loyal Genesis fans and ripped the joint apart!!! Welcome to Genesis Live Marquee Club London...ENJOY!

I did have this recording on my YouTube channel and it had over 300K views, but because YouTube hates people sharing music like this, even though it's not officially available, I've had to put it on the blog.. Oh well, you're here now and can enjoy listening to to t here... I suggest you turn it up and remember it's a recording of a very unique event.

The atmosphere is is incredible and I remember the sweaty heaving mass I was a part of, just loving EVERY second. This as you can see is a very personal moment, watching my beloved genesis is a small intimate venue such as the Marquee in London.

The whole show starts with power right off the bat in the form of 'Dance On A Volcano'. Talk about give the people what they want! 

Genesis Live Hammersmith London 82

I was just 22 at the time and had gone through the the changeover from Gabriel to Collins. It was an easy transition, too easy in some ways. Collins was a great frontman and he kept Genesis alive, not an easy feat!

All I can say is that for me at that time, it was one hell of an experience and I count myself as extremely lucky to have caught such a special gig in a venue like the Marquee. The venue was a regally frequented haunt and one that I missed when it moved.

I can't say it was a pleasant place, with it's sticky wall and aroma of 500 young adolescents in denim and leather, but it felt like home. To see a band the stature of Genesis is such a place was special, no, extraordinary.

As the gig moved on from that astonishing opening number we soon realised that they were going to give us the full experience of their entire live show of the time. From 'Dance On A Volcano' they moved effortlessly into 'Behind The Lines' from the Duke album. I could feel the audience around me wanted old Genesis, but gave leeway for the new material, because this newer material was being delivered with just as much confidence and intensity and I think we realised we were witnessing something truly unique. To see the band this close was breathtaking.

From 'Behind The Lines', into 'Follow You, Follow Me', 'Dodo /Lurker' and 'Abacab' which led, after some typical London heckling into a rousing singalong version of 'Suppers Ready'. This was emotional to say the least.

It was during 'Supper's Ready' that I had to pinch myself and take in the surrounding. The lights, the two drumkits and my favorite rock band of all time performing seemingly just for me, even though I was in a small but joyous family of fans, none of which could believe their luck.

Genesis Live In London 82

The atmosphere visibly dipped, when 'Supper's Ready' Ended and 'Man On The Corner' started, but we knew there were more goodies down the line and after 'Misunderstanding' had finished we were all rewarded with a full band intro, and then the music we were really all there for, some of the old stuff, starting with 'In The Cage'. Again lots of audience participation ensued. 'In The Cage' moved into the end of 'Cinema Show' and then into 'Afterglow' which felt like it was blowing the roof off. The bass pedals were so loud.

The last half our of the show started with 'Turn It On Again' which I thought would be a little disappointing after being blown away by 'Afterglow', but by this time we were all just in party mode and we all just sang along and clapped. 

And again we were rewarded with the now infamous double drum solo sprang into life. I'm a drummer and to watch this so close was a rare privilege and I have to say, listening back to in this recording, it got to be the best version I have ever heard. Chester and Phil were on fire that night. It of course launched into 'Los Endos' at the end and the crowd went mad. And then they left the stage

Genesis Live In London 82

That of course was not the the end. They soon returned for their encore.. 'The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway' was first up followed by an inspiration version of 'Watcher Of The Skies' and then a Genesis live standard and a fitting final hurrah. The steady drum beat that blossomed into another sing-along, 'I know What I Like'. And then it ended. It was at this point I realised I been to the best gig of my life.

When the sun beats down and I lie on my bench you can always hear them talk. Me, I'm just a lawnmower, you can tell me by the way I walk!

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